Three Reasons Teachers are not to Blame

Why Do we blame the teachers?

Parents and Society look at our teachers to make sure our kids are educated and prep for the world. However; more often than not, we are disappointed when things do not go the way we expected.

In his book Psycho- Cybernetics, Dr. Maltz talked about the healthy self image we should instill in ourselves and those that we interact with. As teachers know, the first 5 years of a child’s experience plays an important role in their lives. We can tell how well we were nurtured by the way we handle our emotions and responsibilities as adults.

Why do some adults young or old stay in abusive relationships? We do some commit crimes and others overdose or use drugs? According to Dr. Maltz, if we grew up with a poor self-image, we make poor choices in life and our self worth becomes weak and dependant on others.

Whereas; when we see other adults who are responsible, emotionally intelligent and it seems that they are enjoying life, we sometimes think they are lucky or born with a silver spoon.

So how can we change this paradigm? We can by making a difference at the age it matters the most. When teachers, parents and society start instilling belief and confidence in our kids at a young age, this solves most of the problems we face as adults.

A healthy self image is vital to our self-esteem, confidence and success in life. Dr. Maltz was a plastic surgeon who noticed the difference after people got surgery. He explained, when his patient fixed his nose, he atomically became a different person not afraid to socialize or date. What changed? His self-image. Dr. Maltz studied his patients which lead him to write his book Psycho-Cybernetics.

How does Heart Saver Institude play a role in this? Heart Saver Institute has decided to give a percentage of our profits to the “Better Parenting” Program. This program educates parents and teachers on how to change the paradigm with our kids by encouraging a Healthy Self Image at the age it matters the most.

As adults, we remember those that said “you are beautiful” “you can sing” “you are smart” “you are a great dancer” What we say or do to our kids matters! Please keep it positive 🙂

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Better Parenting

“Saving one soul at a time makes a difference”